They say you only live once…..not true. We only life once.

In light of the recent passing of our youngest brother, I was inspired to share this.

My oldest brother had just posted how people say you only live once.

He said, No, we only die once. We live Life, every single day, which is so true.

You know, the only thing we really, really have to do in life…. there’s just one single thing we have to do once we’re born ….and that’s expire.

We may be able to postpone it. But ultimately, and so every time when we lose somebody, it causes us to think, to hold on closer to the ones we love. And take an examination of the life we were living.

So what do you do with that. Well, you think of “what am I doing towards the life that I want to live?”

It will never change unless we change it. And “am I living today the way I want to?” And if not, is there one small thing we can do today, towards that direction? Then the next day?

If it’s something say you wanted to travel, you know started looking it up…where you want to go, the ways you can travel there…how much it will cost.

If you want to buy a house, start walking in that direction. Start shopping start looking where you want to live. Start finding out what you need financially. Whatever it is whatever you would like to bring into bring more life that you live every day. Then to it.

Because at these times, we’re reminded. We have a life to live every single day. Seize and create our opportunities, Because we can’t get these days back.

So, are you living the life that you want to live? What can you do today, this week, next week to take one step in that direction. And then all the time says another step, living one step and one day at a time. They all add up.

You have one life, and lots and lots of days to live.

Written by Lorraine Allen