Remember as a kid, when first learn to ride a bike, we try to pedal, we are afraid of falling off and we keep stalling or we get a few more pedals in…then we keep falling?
We really want to ride this bike! You know, be like the other kids. Get to play like them. Go places. 
We really want to ride tho we are scared as hell when we first get on. Wobbling. Trying to keep control of the bike.  Stay straight up when we seem to just keep leeeaaanning to the side.  
Then we try to pedal. “Don’t let go…don’t let go” “stay with me” we call to our teachers (parents, friends etc). Each time we pedal a little longer before “failing:” Our confidence and encouragement is nurtured little by little….and soon, all of a sudden, our rhythm kicks in, we become fearless…..and …off…we…go.
Sound familiar?  Let’s pivot to now.
“Letting go” of the doubt and discouragement (falling down) opens us up to  “letting in” (getting more confidence. More accomplished)
Letting go of our insecurities and expecting everything to work out (Believing we are going to ride just like everyone else) will open us up to recognizing all the we are getting done at the same time (seeing how each time we are pedaling better each time, sturdying the bike better)…….without EXPECTING them to happen in a certain way, at a certain time….we are just going to pedal, pedal, pedal, pedal until we get somewhere.
When we are negative on your efforts, outcomes and ourself why bother going for the bike? Sit on the stoop. Walk. Frown.
Believe it will happen (that we will get the work we want and need – that we will be able to ride ANY bike (vs putting all our hopes and expectations into one specific job/contract, one specific love, one specific wish)  and
…all of a sudden, our efforts, believing come hell or high water we…are…going to ride… that…. bike ….any bike….we will become more confident and will pedal, pedal, pedal our way sooner right into what we ultimately really want and need.
When we see this…our doubts and insecurities beginning to diminish, layer by layer, pedal by pedal…..we believe it.
And off we go…..
Just keep pedaling. You’ll win.  It is contagious.

Written by Lorraine Allen