52 Easy Ways to Breakthrough Living
Mindset is core to helping frame our every day…every hour, every event, every relationship….every meal,….everything. So…since it is the beginning of a new year … I decided to move this one up on my list. It’s a tool that works far better for me than “resolutions”.
Making “resolutions” and trying to keep them usually tends to disintegrate by March… right? I don’t know about you but I noticed mine used to focus pretty narrowly on specific aspects of my life…yet events, feelings, changes intercepted my attention du jour (of the day). Then gradually my “resolution” drifted away from my deck and often right out of sight. Resolutions at any time of the year take focused organized effort to achieve. (I hope you didn’t hear my “ugh” there lol)
I once heard “how you do anything is how you do everything,” and I found this can be mostly true…we are creatures of habit and mindset is absolutely included here. So…..instead of a resolution for one “goal” (anything) why not pick a word or a phrase that serves as your guidepost/theme that influences and stands for what you’d like to be…or feel….or experience, etc? (everything)
Some friends and clients I know this year have picked words such as “Perseverance,” “Organized,” “Invest” “Accomplished” “ReConnect”.
Me….I went the phrase route: “It All Comes Together.”When I asked myself what word…..the very first thing that came to mind (always pay attention to that FIRST thought ….that is your intuition/subconscious speaking and I have always found it speaks truth!) was “It All Comes Together.”
You’ll be surprised how your word or phrase will naturally apply to your goal and your work, family, relationships, home, finances, personal interests…your SELF. Example: Invest is not just money…but time, effort and acquisition. It could be for learning, or your hobby…investing time with family….moments of kindness and….also apply to money related aspirations.So what’s the first word or phrase that comes to your mind?
Like a signpost that gives us direction of where we are and where we are headed, setting this theme, and using the word or phrase as a guidepost helps to serve as a litmus test and frame for the direction of our perspective, decisions, activities every day. Our subconscious’ has volumes of references we’ve filed over the years and it will naturally reveal how this word relates to everything and anything in your life. We naturally begin to recognize all the times it shows up… that it’s working. Yes!
It motivates, accelerates and helps us to initiate our life in a simpler, more impactful (and successful) way. Yes!
Please SHARE YOUR WORD OR PHRASE! It helps to inspire others too!
1. This also works wonders with family themes, work themes.
2. Post the word or phrase… around your space: in your car, on your mirror……
3. Maybe pick a theme song….that you play before a big assignment or to celebrate. To start your day…or pick you up.
4. When you change your passwords, incorporate this word or phrase so you keep imprinting it.Live with it. When we believe we receive.
PS Are you stuck? Remember to go with the first word….if not…I googled for you and found a great website Lora Devries put together a fantastic list of words and phrases for inspiration https://www.loradevries.com/blog/wordoftheyearideas

29Rachel Doron, Jessie Phillips and 27 others6 CommentsLikeCommentShare
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