Our lives are filled with to-do lists, responsibilities, disappointments, dreams…..how often we feel like we are on a never ending hamster wheel, right? It often doesn’t feel easy to be present or even positive in the moment. I “have to” often infers rigidity and burden.
Instead of saying I “have” to take the kids to school …I “have to” pay the bills, I “have to” get surgery……I “have to” make money…..I “have to” make a presentation……I “have to” meet this goal.
Change your “I have to’s” to I ‘get to” take the kids to school, I “get to” pay bills, I “get to” have surgery…. Even thoughts like…”I only have” can be changed to “I get to have” and your whole mindset changes.
Without trying, your obligations turn into opportunities. Responsibilities turn into gifts. You begin living in a state of Gratitude and Appreciation without ever saying the words.
“Today I get to share my paths to Breakthrough Living”
What do you “get to” do today? May all the pieces of your life come together this year in ways that make you happier and happiest
#Breakthrough #breakthroughliving @Breakthroughlivingnow #Mindset
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