We all have a lot we want to change or succeed or breakthrough. And trying to fix them ALL is a recipe for failure. So let’s make it simple.  Let’s get it out on paper and not running laps in our heads and our hearts, let’s appreciate us for carrying them and let’s only focus on one or a few.  Any more thinking about it, would defeat the purpose.

So this week, little by little throughout the week, lets be aware and jot down on paper just 3 things:
1) Let’s make a list of all the things we are struggling with….all of them. Sort them, categorize them or just dump them on paper. Get it out. It may end up looking like a junk pile of notes (like my picture) and thats ok.
1a) Let’s say THANK ME to Ourselves for carrying ALL OF THOSE STRUGGLES….wow…they got us this far eh?…and have helped create ALL THE BEST of me, too.
2) Now cross off all of those that if…. given only 5 more years to live…would mean absolutely nada, squat…no way, no how important any longer. Funny how when we look at the same situation from a different circumstance how crystal clear it suddenly becomes!
3) From what remains (Maybe not many…because most of them didn’t survive the “fix before I die” list) pick 1 challenge (no more than 3) to begin this year. If more than 1 is picked, don’t pick more than 1 in the same category (health, business, relationship as examples) or we risk being overwhelmed.

ALL breakthroughs are seeded in the way we think...or the changes we make to our mindset. 

That’s enough!! This exercise has enough breakthroughs already included: Accepting who we are, relief from trying to solve everything at once and reminders of what I really value about ourself.

 Get ready.  Set.  Go.

Written by Lorraine Allen