(52 Easy Ways to Breakthrough Living)

CHALLENGE  Years ago I was told I had to love myself…..and with a crooked tilt of my head I said…”Ha! Say what?” “What’s that?” Our expectation of how others should love us actually begins through our internal lens of how we see ourselves, how we love ourselves…or how we don’t. And most of all the time…..we don’t.

GAMECHANGER   Every day this week in the morning (with no makeup Ladies) and in the evening, when you go into your bathroom, look directly at one of your facial features and tell yourself how you like/love them…and why. It will likely be so strange for you to do this.  (if not…see you next week :)) For me it was (at first)

Example: My lazy eyes (they drift to the corners). Always self conscious of them. I may not have “loved” them before…but when I remembered all the amazing things I have seen … how, by them “drifting” I was able to stay up late late late studying in college….And then, recalled some special memories I have of my Mom helping me do eye exercises in the car and fixing eye patches ….I am so grateful for them! 🙂  Remember your eyebrows, cheeks, mouth, teeth, ears, forehead, hair etc….each has a special purpose in our incredible human body and our story.  Visit with all of your head/shoulders features over the week. End each of these mirror minutes by looking into your eyes…right into the pupils…and tell yourself “I love you.”

RESULT  We teach others to love us by how we love ourselves. We spend so much time criticizing ourselves, we often forget ALL our significant assets physically, emotionally etc.  All that helped protect and serve us along on our journey… represent courage, discovery, healing, survival, joy. This exercise opens the windows to us looking at other aspects of us…our stories…and what more of us there is to love. When we take the time to appreciate ourselves in small ways….the doors open to welcome self love back home…in big ways….within.

#breakthrough2022 #breakthrough

Written by Lorraine Allen